Friday, June 12, 2009

Rigor, do you mean rigamortis??!

So technique number two is all about rigor. Think of what muscles do at death. They contract and don't let go. It is called rigamortis. Rigor is what happens in a living person. A muscle contracts, but for a variety of reasons fatigues and doesn't relax.
The treatment of rigor is very specific and slow. It is also very deep. The goal is to meet the resistance and then some to force the chemical bonds, that are holding muscle fibers in a contracted state, to let go. I have found this technique very effective.
This form of treatment is not like traditional massage. The goal is not to have a nice relaxing experience where you drift to la la land. It is to treat a problem. So when you want this kind of work, please say you want "treatment". Then I will better understand what your goal is.
I am sure that every single person who reads this blog has rigor somewhere. If you don't treat it, it could cause more muscles to fatigue. It could also cause joint problems or inflammatory responses. Chronic pain may result or reduced function of certain muscles.
Since this work is very intense, you may not enjoy receiving it. That is fine. Just remember, if you develop pain or a problem somewhere or you want to improve performance in some activity, this is a highly effective option. Then return and enjoy your maintenance massage.

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